Tuesday, January 18, 2011

let me see such an old man

Such a word as trivial: let me see such an old man, a city in a foreign country, stare at the afternoon in the square of a dove, former couse walk past bit by bit slowly chung means to: injustice, sweet, octylic acid, glorious... All of the eyes is some trivial melancholy, but appearing again aroma.

There are many pleasant things, they are those who scattered in the corner of the ordinary pieces, the fragrant, need to awaken, need to pass.

Like two people's happiness, can be small to just quietly sit together feeling each other's breath; Small to follow behind him on the stepping on his footprints stepping down, Small to use she prepared her drawing COINS to guess guangzhou2005; Small to sit together at the roadside guess next go this way will is a man or a woman...

The taste of happiness, like cooking as, there is salty, sweet, has a bitter taste, spicy, many, only him appreciate get.

But in human nature also often have such weaknesses: memory is a very strange sieve, it left always own good and bad of others. So avoid unsuspecting target that always want from see myself in the mirror after ten years of shape. Now, after 10 years of himself and began to think like ten years ago, because in temples and saw the sporadic snow.

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