Thursday, March 31, 2011

below blocked the threat

Talking about the current situation tabor also immediatelymbt uk sale into the gallant his role to calm way: not will block block! ShenWu legion even light at night's retreat withdraw mainland kingdom wu at least seven, within this isn't magic 8 WuGuo rear cavalry obstructions along the attacks. So we must do our best to the hundreds of thousands of mainland's kingdom wu regular troops in this fall of less than to star ShenWu legion retreat. Not everything's all over.

Spirit haze sighed: now of constructing the humble you rush's elite force in fortifications martial under the impact of simply can't hold out a day.

Hao poisson mysterious a smile: if I keep two days and how you say?

Spirit haze eyes a bright: you can stay for two days? What course?

Hao poisson way: it must be kept secret. Hey hey now white tiger and rosefinch has managed to block a magic WuDaJun two days on this difficult tapping the sight of easy keep the geographical advantage as long as can again two days ShenWu legion even keep support. By then we withdraw the star mountain using magic sasha continental countries superior geographical situation on the field side dozen the side withdraw to flee to SAN yuan so Li Beijing children tried to lure him deeply the economy can completely bankrupt. Ha ha ha

Spirit haze also complexion of joy but think of sight and some interest situation frowns way: see you beautiful dream? Or the situation realistic concern sight!

A few hour later magic WuDaJun continuously arriving in the star mountain already busy vanguard troops lowest-tax jurisdictions. Hundreds of thousands of magic WuDaJun tidy majestic flags with embattled cloud weaponmbt changa in the sun shining armor's cold light throughout the fall below endless star built in a steel immense fort sends out a powerful mo to block of momentum.

Finally see magic sasha continental countries already long elite troops starting the real face although early psychological preparation hao not tiny feeling always tabor still filled with fear and was enough for the pace of WuDaJun hard against demons also showed strong confidence weakens.

Magic before WuDaJun ChenNing's tolerance of dozens of senior generals in WuJun surrounded by the captain of the Li Beijing golden armor for advice about the sight lines. Hao Li Beijing tabor see mount is not a sturdy horse impressively is a long with a golden, a silver two head, full-bodied, sharp claws money laundering sleek leopards shapes of warcraft singular.

Facing the gallant spirit with envy tabor surprise haze despise way: not even a 'two-headed iron silver back magic leopard'? See your that didn't see the XiaoGuZi died gas.

Hao poisson xi way: you know the name of the warcraft? Li Beijing this boy got from there, you know? Human mainland but seldom have this kind of senior warcraft in sight.

Haze way: not spirit from SAN yuan and magic WuLiangGuo extremely southern border of human as for mainland warcraft rendezvous' in warcraft forest 'out? This' two-headed iron silver back magic leopard 'feeling extremely brutal attack is the higher-order mbt moja midbits of forest of warcraft upperpunch human of warcraft mainland none at all.

Hao poisson touching someone whispers: have so a warcraft rode down much. Can be Li Beijing this boy can out I'm sure I can get out. It was to pour me a forest of warcraft to try his luck.

The spirit of the haze vinegar flavour is dye-in-the-wood dissatisfied way: you have me this only lineages noble silver dragon somehow is also a dragon knight to such atrocities beast also feeling under what interests?

Hao ningzhi tabor twist her if Lebanon gills mocked way: how can I will you as the mount? You are my, er is my friend!

Listen to first half sentence spirit after hearing beaming haze as half sentence by liu3 mei2 dao3 shu zheng round the word shame abnormal angered almond eyes: 'friends'? You just put me as a friend?

Hao a seven-hour looked at upcoming tabor around the spirit state body suddenly haze gather together with huge lightning elements of know the answer that she has no satisfaction that huge lightning element will jinshu hit his head guarantee let oneself seven huns eight element, immensely. In dragon island eat enough that such an investor stung the gallant flattering please tabor busy way: you are my closest friend! Vision of the Darling must cooled down.

HuiChenZuoXi white gallant spirit haze tabor one eye: calculate you smart.

Tabor wipe a gallant forehead sweat andao: listen to what others say little tiger much more let a person away female dragons can not stand.

Slightly after the break with the white tiger walking side by side on the defence seishi WuJun contingents watch magic to your supervisor in the ChiBie't of senior younger brother two under but laughed silver willy compelled by senior adults are not unbridled therefore not seen posing. Meet Li Beijing bizarre mounts a bright eyes are two of the a gust of pointing fingers.

White tiger envy of way: Li Beijing pediatric good big skill that he can subdue gold and silver two-headed iron back magic leopard. Get so a guy riding it is awe-inspiring tight pour.

Good at fighting rosefinch but realising re heart sighed: if I have one with such warcraft as mounts cavalry troops led the field when freely without fear.

Hao poisson smell speech eye a jump felt it was feasible.

For how to catch warcraft, and forest of warcraft after as mounts for war domestication of tabor is a gallant to gods haze suddenly pushed him a way: somebody else to your call.

Gallant captain saw Li tabor looking toward the gloat of riding a fascination with leopard and took no squire in sight of dozens of steps on tabor and shouted: hao elder brother don't was holed up in fort inside out and I ChangBie small Syria to slightly?

Though we knew Li Beijing to his intentions are only big show mounts the gallant riding tabor still mark face difficult see to the Li Beijing pole a sound angrily stung bah way: what the hell! Good prestige? See Lao tze tomorrow also can get a group of one, not live grieve you turtle son!

One side of the spirit for others haze caused anger in the sweethearts superimposed upon insult her but dare not allowed a change body sway of a perfect as snow practice a horse horse of the white horse immediately more than a foot long forehead pale golden spiral pattern long foot-long plays faintly alone wildebeest abdomen also become four-toed feet four of the LongZhao - the whole horses impressively became a senior beast-god sacred unicorns.

The lousy silver tabor 826 gallant nephrite cloak beatles armor BaiYinLong gun up the sacred pour lift down the line to unicorn.

The SAN yuan within soldiers defenses now see the virgin devas remains high morale was yelling loudly together.

Don't want to tabor unexpectedly out of a gallant noble sacred unicorn to ride on the big surprise Li feeling of complacency swept away. Originally, two head swayed the gold and silver, expression is proud cruel magic mbt kayaleopard see unicorns as methods like saw phoenix -sycophancy and servile flattery to its owner big feeling is suffocating.

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